Online Classes


Furbaby Classes

Don’t miss out on the most important training time with your new pup - when you first bring them home. This puppy class is designed for pups 8-14 weeks old for learning the basic obedience and manners skills to set them up for success! Since you can’t join in store - access the class here and get videos to teach you how to train your pup. You will get three months unlimited access to return to the videos again and again.

Cost: $150 + gst

Partner Up! Classes

This class gives you the building block skills to allow you to go on and train anything with your dog! Learn how to teach your dog to sit, down, heel, come, stay and use hand signals all with our easy to follow video and handout guides. You get three months unlimited access to return to the videos again and again.

Cost: $200 + gst

Manners Classes

This online course covers all types of behaviour issues for dogs: teach your dog to listen to no, how to meet and greet people and dogs, self settling, crate training, and more. Broken down into easy to follow videos and a week by week handout. You get three months unlimited access to return to the videos again and again.

Cost: $175 + gst